Blueco shore power

Sandnes Havn Embraces BluEco® Shore Power Solution 

December 16, 2024


  • Transition Sandnes Havn toward a zero-emission harbor, aligning with environmental sustainability goals. 
  • Enable docked vessels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, noise, and vibrations by minimizing reliance on diesel engines. 
  • Implement a flexible and scalable shore power system tailored to the unique needs of the port. 


  • BluEco® Shore Power System: A modular and distributed architecture customized to meet Sandnes Havn’s specific requirements. 
  • Comprehensive Delivery: Blueday Technology managed the design, engineering, supply, installation, and commissioning of the shore power system. 
  • Shore-to-Ship Power: Enabled vessels to draw electricity from the local grid, supporting onboard systems like ventilation and cooling while docked. 


  • Significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, noise pollution, and vibrations, enhancing the environmental quality for the port and its surroundings. 
  • Enhanced maintenance opportunities for docked vessels, as engines remain off during power supply from the local grid. 
  • Positioned Sandnes Havn as a forward-thinking, sustainable zero-emission harbor, contributing to Norway’s environmental goals.